We started off our Week 6 with a trip to our town festival. The kids had a great time and the day ended in face painting.
On Sunday Michael scored his first goal of the season in soccer and did an excellent job as goalie, stopping at least one shot from being scored.
Our school week started with a review and then Unit Test in History on Egypt. I was very impressed with the information that the kids retained and extremely proud of Megan's 99.5% and Michael's 100%! This was huge for me because it made me realize that I can do this and do it well. The kids are learning and retaining so many new things, what an exciting time for us!
After our test we moved on and learned about the first Sumerian dictator, Sargon, and Hammurabi and the Babylonians.
In Science I did decide to switch things up and shelve Exploration Education for now. So this week we began learning about cells. Michael's favorite part of a cell is the Golgi Bodies, because of their silly name. The kids were surprised to learn that the size of a cell in a whale is about the same size as the cell in a mouse, there are just many more of them!
In Geography we started to learn a little about the places MamMom and Granddaddy are going on their cruise and colored the flags for Spain and France. We will be following their trip on our map and are looking forward to hearing all about and seeing all the wonderful pictures of their adventures in the Mediterranean.
In Grammar we continued learning about prepositions (this is one they had some trouble with) and did a bunch more sentence diagramming on the blackboard.
Shawn continued reading to them from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Michael and I also read Vikings Don't Wear Wrestling Belt's, Megan read The Moffett's, and Allie and I enjoyed Go Dog, Go! :)
For Home Ec we learned how to make chocolate chip cookies. Unfortunately we had to to scrap the first batch due to Red Flour Beetles. Guess it was a good lesson in things don't always go the way you plan!
"Mom this is sooo much better than sitting at a desk all day!"
Not only was week 6 a good week for learning but it was also a good week for playing. All 3 kids spent the week working together to build Lego buildings and set up train cities.
Check out others weeks here and enjoy this first weekend of Fall!!